JQueryCodingStandards Follow Drupal #8217;s JavaScript coding standards See also Foswiki:Development/UsingJQueryWithFoswiki for more information, tips and tricks....
Subscribe Plugin Example (only works if plugin is installed, and you are logged in you are: and you are not .WikiGuest): This version is designed for use w...
SUBSCRIBE{ attributes } subscribe the current user for notification of changes to the current topic Anywhere in a topic or template: * %SUBSCRIBE{...}% or si...
Wysiwyg Plugin Support for the integration of WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) editors. On its own, the only thing this plugin gives you is a stand alone HT...
Settings for WysiwygPlugin that are common to most editor integrations WYSIWYG_EXCLUDE Prevent WYSIWYG editing The global preference setting WYSIWYG_EXCLUDE c...
TinyMCE FAQs Frequently Asked Questions of the TinyMCEPlugin integration. Q: The editor takes over the standard edit screen. That's OK, but how do I get access t...
TinyMCEPlugin This is an integration of the fast and highly functional TinyMCE WYSIWYG editor. It supports a wide range of browsers, including Firefox, IE, Safari...
Mailer Contrib Allows users to "subscribe" to regularly scheduled emails containing either: * A report on changes to all topics that have changed within a part...
MailerContribPlugin This is a 'mini' plugin that provides a rest handler for invoking the mail notification process via an HTTP request (e.g. from the browser). I...
TwistyPlugin A "twisty" is an interface toggle control to show and hide content. TwistyPlugin gives you several options to control the appearance of a twisty: ...
TWISTY generate content block with interactive visibility controls This renders the button as well as the toggled content section contained within this and the cl...
TWISTYBUTTON Shorthand version for TWISTYSHOW TWISTYHIDE This is useful if both the show and the hide button take the same arguments. Parameters All parameters...
Render List Plugin Syntax Rules RENDERLIST Macro * Place a %RENDERLIST{ parameters }% before any bullet list * The lists can be handcrafted, generate...
PlainFileStoreContrib This is a full implementation of a Foswiki store that uses nothing more sophisticated than plain files and directories In the Foswiki spirit...
AutoViewTemplatePlugin Description This plugin sets the VIEW_TEMPLATE and EDIT_TEMPLATE variables according to a corresponding form definition. So when you attac...